This film – and its 1938 British predecessor on which it’s based – is where the modern conception of gaslighting comes from. The film is about a young woman whose emotionally abusive husband manipulates her into believing she’s crazy. every time I see that stupid totem I'm reminded of the idiocy of the searing/fire elemental AI, and the general stupidity of totems in general.When Ewen Leslie asked director Claire McCarthy what movies he should watch to prepare for his role on The Luminaries, she suggested Gaslight, George Cukor’s 1944 thriller starring Ingrid Bergman.

Hey she's got a pet! Don't judge me I wish she didn't, though. Korgath's a PvP server and I'm quite tired of playing on PvP servers tyvm, so it's not likely she ever will I never got around to going out to Silverpine or whatever to pick up a non-armored black worg to play Ahanoc (which will be swapped to one of the armored ones once she got high enough level to tame those). did I ever name that cat? *checks* I did, Kanassa (hah). Buckettius was made back when BE couldn't be warriors-he was a bizarre boss fight concept I had a long time ago, and I made both his UD and BE forms as characters on Stormrage, god only knows why.ĭoktha and. I've always loved red crabs (and red crabs under BW is amazing, just fyi!) but I've always had pets I enjoy more out on 'Santi. failed BH after failed BH after failed BH after failed ZG after failed BH.īuckettius and Priscilla. running wild + puppy = love!īasanti, and Sporey! I'm actually surprised she had anything out I usually keep my pets dismissed while waiting on pug raids/instances (so I don't have to dismiss whatever I've got out in order to pull out whatever utility pet the group will need) and that's all she's been doing lately. I can't wait til pets are out beside mounts. The last time I played Mettle I took her off to tame OCJ which is why they happen to match so nicely. D: Why do I love her so? But none of us can ignore how sexy Karma is this fine eve. But that requires extra money first which I just don't have right now so she can enjoy the pretty green background for a little longer!

I absolutely adore goblins but Horde on my server. xPįirst is the lovely Gianna and her mistress Tezzra. It really makes you realise how ugly the old character models are though.

You can post however many you want but I was sort of interested in it from a "this was the last pet I had out" perspective. 8D So I'd love to see your guys' hunters' pet-character combos on your character selection screen. I was flicking through my character screen when I noticed that Tezz and Mettle had such beautiful pets which happened to match the background, and they just looked awesome.