Activate this cheat and the road while become extremely greasy/slippery. If you favour brute force over fashion, why not bring a rubbish truck raining down on some poor pedestrian’s head? PS3 / PS4 Set your sights on something a little faster though if you need to escape the attention of the law. If you’ve had enough of mowing down innocent pedestrians with a Car, you can always opt for the slower slaughter of the humble golf caddy. Less useful in tight spaces, and even less useful if you need to pull a 180 in a hurry. The limousine is yet another vehicle that lets you get the job done in style – albeit a slow sort of style. One for the Flash Harrys of the world, the Rapid GT may not handle quite as smoothly as the Comet, but it is a smooth little sports number that will help you escape in style. It’s not the fastest or the most agile car in the game, but the Comet is a very reliable all-rounder that should help you escape from the sort of anarchic rampage that would leave even Michael Bay wiping away a tear. Cheats can be deactivated by re-entering the code. Once a cheat is entered, a message appears above the mini-map to indicate that the cheat is activated. All cheats should be entered during normal gameplay in single player mode.

Below you will find details of Vehicles Cheats available in GTA 5 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC.