
Ck2 how to expand
Ck2 how to expand

ck2 how to expand

( E) Changes in H3pT11 and H3pS10 signals in the WT strain (BY4741) upon the media shift from YPD to YPgly at indicated time points measured by western blots. Error bars indicate STD from three biological replicates.

ck2 how to expand

(Lower panel) Relative band intensities of H3pT11 to H3 signals. ( D) (Upper panel) Global H3pT11 levels in WT, cka1Δ, snf1Δ, and cka1Δsnf1Δ cells taken from saturated cultures in YPD media measured by western blots. (Lower panel) Relative ratios of H3pT11 to H3 signals presented with error bars indicating standard deviations (STD) of three biological replicates.

ck2 how to expand

( C) (Upper panel) Comparison of H3pT11 levels in WT and snf1Δ upon the media shift from YPD to YPgly at indicated time points analyzed by western blots. The cells were taken from overnight saturated cultures in YPD media. ( B) Global H3pT11 levels in WT (BY4741), cka1Δ, rim15Δ, and snf1Δ cells measured by western blot. ( A) Comparison of the Snf1 threonine 210 phosphorylation (Snf1 pT210) and H3pT11 levels upon media shift from YPD (2% glucose) to YPgly (YP with 3% glycerol) measured by western blots.

Ck2 how to expand